Thursday, October 23, 2008



I noticed, most (if not all) MACRODONS don't have very prominent feet, so this one is inspired by the PUMA shoe exhibit at DWR, and my designs for a MACRODON PUMA RS-100.

I was conflicted about giving this one arms... so I made some arms I could add or remove, painted on paper attached to a piece of clear acetate.

And also, my wife said something about "The Thinker", so I had some fun with that too. The removable appendages (and accessories):



(with arms, above)


("The Thinker", above) No disrespect to Rodin, but I'd like to think his work has a certain influence on my interpretation of a MACRODON.

And, at this point, the silly is on, going full circle, back to the PUMA sneaks:


With shoes this sick why would a MACRODON not wear shoes?