Sunday, December 7, 2008

106-107 & VARIATIONS


After skipping yesterday, I doubled up on drawings (and then some). Here are illustrations 106 & 107, side by side, with their multiple variations. Above is the final result (and seventh re-working of the initial sketch, seen here). As the drawing progressed, and digressed, you'll see that the changes occurred in the "head" area, while th "body" mostly remained unchanged.


The MACRODON on the left looks like a walking hand,
similar to Thing T. Thing from the Addams Family.


I am most satisfied with the MACRODON on the left at this stage (above).


Aside from the last drawing (the one at the top of this post), the MACRODON on the right had very subtle changes, mostly a growth in "head" size.


Again, the MACRODON on the left has a hand-like appearance, this time, if instead of being "cut-off" at the wrist, it has "feet" on it's "hand". Also, I like the MACRODON on the right most at this stage. Also, along with the final drawing of the MACRODON on the left (at the top of the post), there was a sort of conjoined MACRODON theme going for it.


I somehow lost this step in the progression of these MACRODONS even though I thought I scanned and saved it. The changes were very minimal so I was able to make similar changes through Photoshop.


And finally, below is the first step in this series of changes to these two MACRODONS, some of the initial sketching, as seen here, is still visible.
(on the left) conjoined? - (on the right) no head?