Sunday, January 25, 2009
Here is the step-by-step progression for the illustration of this MACRODON
(final version seen above).
1- Once I laid down the black silhouette shape I Instantly got an idea of what this MACRODON should look like, I didn't want to loose my idea by over-working it, so I penciled in some loose sketch elements, and then scanned the concept drawing into the computer:
2- At this point I sketched further details of this MACRODON on Photoshop with my drawing tablet and a large brush.
3- I continued to sketch the MACRODON figure with strokes with a variety of widths, some overlaying, and then decided to complete the illustration based on this stage of of my sketching. (4- final version seen at top of post)
5- And finally, since I was still quite attached to how the digital sketches looked, I formed this composite, with a scan of the final drawing and some overlays of the digital sketches.