Saturday, May 30, 2009


William Lamson's "Work and Trade" collection of 285 trades at Pierogi Gallery (including a MACRODON! -seen third shelf from top, center-right; between two shelves with foliage; to the right of a green vigil praying candle, with what I am assuming to be an illustration of a MACRODON on it; and in front of what appears to be a surrealist painted backdrop of the MACRODON's natural habitat, and to the left of what I imagine to be a sci-fi anime VHS movie, a Christmas card, and a unicorn mug), see pixelated detail below:

again, below is Will's automatic drawing traded for a MACRODON:

and, here is another reimagination of Will Lamson's automatic drawing -in a way, coming full cirlce, back to my initial interpretation of the similarites between Will's drawing and the MACRODON figure traded- by referencing that original MACRODON figure in this recreation Will's drawing:

now, what is happening here, I am not so sure of...
a) MACRODON emitting a burst of smoke/fire
b) MACRODON fart (wow!)
c) whale like blow-gusher?
d) inhalation/absorption of another MACRODON